terms and conditions
The seller is ROCHEL STUDIO SRL | Chaussée de Bruxelles 102b,1410 Waterloo | n° de TVA BE 0747 825 557
1. Agreement
The purchase agreement is established after acceptance of the order by ROCHEL STUDIO SCRL. If ROCHEL STUDIO SCRL is unable to execute the order, ROCHEL STUDIO SCRL shall notify the purchaser at the earliest opportunity, which party cannot claim any damages.
2. Retention of Title
The products remain the property of ROCHEL STUDIO SCRL until the purchaser has paid the total amount of the order in full.
3. Delivery term
The delivery term for individual products is : 48h in Benelux | 72h in European Union
ROCHEL STUDIO SCRL is not responsible for the delay of the forwarder.
For more information, please see delivery
4. Prices
Offers and prices are valid for the period published in our catalogue or on our website. All prices are in euro and including VAT. The prices indicated are valid, provided there is no obvious misprint.
5. Payment options
ROCHEL STUDIO SRL accepts the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard/Eurocard, Maestro.
6. Cancellation Right
By virtue of the Belgian Trading Practices (Consumer Information and Protection) Act of 14 July 1991 the purchaser is permitted to cancel any purchase within 7 working days of the delivery of the product. Products may be returned within this term. If the purchaser makes use of this cancellation right, ROCHEL STUDIO SCRL shall refund any billed amounts as paid by the purchaser within 10 days. The purchaser shall be liable to pay any costs of shipment connected with the return of the product.
The purchaser may return to ROCHEL STUDIO SRL products that are not in compliance with the purchasers order or damaged products within 7 working days. ROCHEL STUDIO SRL shall refund any costs of shipment and billed amounts as paid by the purchaser within 10 days.
7. Costs of Shipment
Check the delivery section
8. Address
Complaints with respect to the products ordered may be addressed to: Lindendries 46, 1730 Asse. Products returned by virtue of Article 6 or 7 of these General Conditions may also be sent to this address.
9. Applicable Law and Competent Court
The purchase agreement is governed by Belgian law. The courts of Brussels are exclusively competent to judge any disputes arising from the purchase agreement.